Are EV Stocks Overvalued?

The electric vehicle frenzy, pioneered by Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) has triggered a global automotive evolution. The rising climate change concerns across the world has been one of the key reasons behind the rapid rise of the electric vehicle industry, bolstered by favoring governments. However, with the global economy currently grappling with one of the worst recessions in modern history, the automobile industry is currently in a slump. Consequently, without adequate earnings and revenue growth, EV stocks are presently trading at surmounting valuations, raising concerns regarding a potential asset bubble.

Everything You Need To Know About Silver Squeeze

The GameStop frenzy has left many people wondering about the connotation and implications of a market squeeze. While the speculative rally kickstarted by a Reddit group is battling to take on the biggest hedge funds in the United States, a similar situation in the commodity markets is brewing. Retail traders have been formulating another coup to take on the precious metals industry, allowing silver futures to hit an eight-year high of $30.03 per ounce on February 1st.

How to Follow DIY Investing for Retirement

DIY investing – short for do-it-yourself investing – has become increasingly popular.

This is because it is a low-cost, customizable way to build a long-term investment portfolio.

Unfortunately, the finance industry wants you to believe that investing is difficult and that you need a finance degree. The truth is, you don’t have to be a finance professional to invest in the stock market. However, there are a few concepts and strategies you should understand before you begin managing your investments. In this article, I will teach you how to follow a DIY investing strategy for retirement.

The Advantages of Learning How to Trade Options

Investing in the stock market is a fulfilling activity of choice for do-it-yourself investors. Taking control of your finances, whether that be as a second stream of income or preparing for the future, smart investing can be extremely beneficial if done properly. In addition, many investors love the thrill associated with buying and selling the markets along with the satisfaction and sense of pride that goes along with managing their own money and taking control of their own financial well-being.

Understand your Risk Set Point and Make Better Decisions

I was watching the movie Free Solo the other day, and it got me thinking about trading. The movie, which recently won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, follows the mountain-climber Alex Honnold as he attempts the first free solo ascent of Yosemite’s El Capitan 3000 ft rock face. Free solo means, rather unbelievably, climbing alone without the aid of ropes, fixed gear, or any other protective equipment. One slip, one wrong move and you inevitably fall to a grisly death on the valley floor. A death which has claimed many of Alex’s friends over the years.

Trading System and APIs: Everything You Need to Know

Not too long ago, a majority of financial trading took place over the phone. Back then, if you wanted to buy or sell a stock, you had to call your broker and have them make the transaction for you. However, this process is no longer necessary thanks to the development of trading systems through the use of APIs. In this article, I will be discussing everything you need to know about trading systems and the APIs that help build them.

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