
Looking to Reach More Stock Investors?

Hashtag Investing is quickly growing to become the highest quality digital community for stock investors. Our members are engaged, focused, and value quality content that enables them to level up their investing expertise. If you believe that you have an offering that our members would fine valuable, then we want to hear about it. With over 5000 subscribers, and a steepening growth curve, Hashtag Investing provides a unique opportunity for finance and investing brands to better reach and engage with their target audience.

Why should you advertise with Hashtag Investing?

Targeted Finance Audience

With other marketing channels that you may be using, you need to first develop and nail down your targeting. Selecting age, demographic, and other parameters to narrow down on your target audience. Hashtag Investing is a community strictly for those who are self managing their investment portfolios. Our members come from different skill levels but all have a common interest of upping their stock investing knowledge and results. If you are looking to advertise to a focused group of stock investors, Hashtag Investing provides that without you having to play around with targeting parameters.

Native Ad Placements

As a community and social network for stock investors, your ads will be placed as native spotlights embedded within our community. The benefit of this is that it won’t seem unnatural and intruding to the users. On other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit, users are typically in the process of doing other actions when the ad is presented. This results in ads intruding or interrupting the users. When users on Hashtag Investing are online within the community, their focus is investing knowledge sharing and content. Your ads will be relevant to them at that time resulting in a stronger campaign and stronger engagement.

Enhanced Engagement

Advertising on Hashtag Investing also provides your brand with the unique advantage of getting up close and personal with your target audience. With social based tools like Polls, Forums, and chats, you can leverage those to get a true response and to kick start a real conversation with our members. This results in a powerful brand persona for you and allows our members to directly give you feedback. Unlike other advertising platforms where the conversation is one way (you yelling your pitch and them listening), Hashtag Investing offers your the advantage of truly starting a conversation.

Simple Pricing Structure

Calculating the success of your campaigns shouldn’t be difficult. With our flat rate pricing structure for ads, you will have easy time determining if the results speak for themselves or not. Premium placements get more visibility and can be tagged along with engagement type content such as forum posts, sponsored chats, email newsletter sponsorship, & more. Our magazine website also provides a unique opportunity for article creation and highlights for your service. This provides you with valuable third party back-links as well as social proof that builds trust amongst your target audience.

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Join the #1 Exclusive Community for Stock Investors

Revir Media Group
447 Broadway
2nd FL #750
New York, NY 10013